A good per night rate for a ファミリー向けホテル in 津市 is ¥12,663, which is average for the city. A nightly rate as low as ¥3,218 has recently been found by our users. Our users visiting 津市 have found that ビジネス旅館 若草 is usually the cheapest ファミリー向けホテル.
The typical rate at a ファミリー向けホテル in 津市 will be less than rates at hotels that don’t have this accommodation. Rates in 津市 for a ファミリー向けホテル are, on average, ¥12,663 per night. 津市のホテル1泊あたりの平均料金は¥12,873です。
Within 2 miles of 津駅, there are 5 options for ファミリー向けホテル which have a higher star rating (3 Stars and above). Expect to pay a nightly rate of ¥5,739 when staying at ファミリー向けホテル within a 2 mile radius of 津駅. Typically, the cheapest ファミリー向けホテル near 津駅 are ホテルグリーンパーク津, ホテルキャッスルイン津, and ホテルエコノ津駅前.